What Is Sex Addiction?

What causes an addiction is how the substance or act affects the reward pathways in the brain. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), “Instead of achieving reward system activation through adaptive behaviors, [the addiction] directly activates the reward pathways.” A sex addiction, like any other addiction, leads to unhealthy behaviors and has negative consequences.
What Are the Symptoms of Sex Addiction?
The symptoms of sex addiction include:
- Frequent and intense sexual urges
- Compulsive sexual activity
- Need for more sexual activity
- Problems at school or work
- Feelings of guilt and shame
If you believe you have a sex addiction it is important to get assessed by a licensed therapist, counselor or doctor. Speaking to a therapist is the first step to freedom from your sex addiction symptoms.
How Common Is Sexual Addiction and Who Is Most Affected?
Sexual addiction is not yet highly researched, but it is estimated that 3 to 6% of the population live with sex addiction.
Sex addiction can affect anyone, however, some risk factors include:
- Trauma- People who have experienced trauma, especially sexual abuse trauma, are more likely to live with a sexual addiction.
- Genetics- As with any other addiction, genetics can play a large role in sexual addiction.
- Other mental illnesses- Oftentimes, sex addiction is co-occurring with other mental health issues such as borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder.
- Brain chemistry- Imbalances in the reward hormone, dopamine, can influence a sex addiction.
Treating sex addiction usually involves treating trauma. Addressing the traumatic experiences that led to symptoms of sexual addiction can break the cycle of addiction.

Embrace Healing The Power of Trust in Therapeutic Relationships
“In my experience, the most effective aspect of therapy is the therapeutic relationship. Establishing trust between a client and clinician is the first step to healing.”
What Are the Complications of Having a Sexual Addiction or Hypersexuality?
Living with a sex addiction can have negative effects on all areas of your life such as:
- Difficulty in relationships
- Legal problems
- Financial challenges
- Health problems
- Social isolation
- Hopelessness
- Emptiness
Addiction takes over your life and makes it difficult to stop even when you experience negative consequences. Addiction is a disease and it is not your fault. Getting treatment can help you change your life and find freedom.
How Is Hypersexuality Diagnosed?
Sex addiction or hypersexuality is not part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) but your therapist will still be able to help you identify if you are experiencing a sex addiction. They will ask you questions about your history, your symptoms, and your environment.
How Is Sexual Addiction and Hypersexuality Treated?
The most effective therapy for sex addiction is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which helps clients identify their harmful thinking processes and reframe them. Your therapist will provide you with tools to challenge your negative thoughts. They will also provide you with coping skills that work for you to help you deal with your urges.
What Type of Therapy Can Help?
Other types of therapy that can be used for sex addiction include:
- Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
- Motivational interview (MI)
You and your therapist can collaborate to decide which therapy intervention will work best for you. In addition to therapy, 12-step meetings can also help with sex addiction.
What Are the Benefits of an Inpatient Program to Treat Sex Addiction?
An inpatient program can be beneficial to treat sex addiction by:
- Providing 24/7 support: If you encounter a trigger while in a residential treatment program, you have round-the-clock support to be able to learn the skills to later be able to deal with these triggers independently.
- Structure: Oftentimes people living with addictions significantly benefit from structure. Structure helps break free from old habits and develop new healthy habits.
- Lack of distraction: An inpatient treatment center provides you with the freedom from having outside influences like work, school, and your social life so you can focus on your treatment.
If you are considering inpatient treatment, consider the benefits, as well as the cost and time you will be there. Sometimes, you will find you need to make a sacrifice for your long-term benefit.
Outpatient Sexual Addiction Rehab and Treatment Programs
Outpatient treatment programs for sex addiction allow clients to receive help with their addiction while having the ability to go home, work, and maintain their day-to-day lives. Outpatient treatment involves individual therapy, group therapy, and at times medication management. There are benefits to both residential and inpatient programs. It is important to have an honest discussion with your therapist and support system to decide which treatment option is best for you.
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications
Some prescription options for sex addiction include:
- Antidepressants
- Anti-anxiety
- Anti-psychotics
- Naltrexone
Some over-the-counter medications for sex addiction include:
- Ginkgo-Biloba
- St. John Wort
- Melatonin
- L-arginine
Make sure you speak to your medical provider before starting any new medications.
How to Find the Best Sex Addiction Treatment Facility?
To find the best sex addiction treatment facility consider:
- Your needs are regarding inpatient vs outpatient facilities
- The facility and staff
- Type of therapy you are interested in
- Location
- Success rate
The best sex addiction treatment facility is one that treats the underlying cause of the addiction. Make sure to do your research and ask any questions that you may have.
Does Insurance Cover Sex Addiction Therapy?
Whether insurance covers sex addiction therapy depends on your specific plan. You can call your insurance directly and ask for a list of sex addiction therapists that are covered by your plan.
Our sex addiction therapy services in West Palm Beach offer the expertise of trusted sexual addiction therapists who specialize in evidence-based treatments such as REBT, CBT, and EMDR. Take the first step towards healing, and let us guide you towards a life free from the chains of addiction.