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3 Things to Expect in Trauma Therapy

3 Things to Expect in Trauma Therapy

Experiencing negative thoughts after a frightening or traumatic event can deeply impact your life. Counseling and therapy can help you get your life back, and you will find compassionate support at a testing time. At Trauma Therapy Center in WPB, and Boca Raton, Liz Chelak encourages you take the first step toward a journey of growth and healing. Liz understands how trauma can affect your life and well-being and uses the most effective and proven techniques to restore and strengthen your emotional health. She prepares you for therapy so that you know what to expect and achieve your mental health goals successfully.

Begin personalized therapy, online or in-person, in West Palm Beach, and Boca Raton, FL.

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Trauma can result from many different things, including witnessing trauma, violence, accidents, and natural disasters. Our body responds to trauma in several ways, from behavioral to physical and emotional. Untreated trauma can take a toll on our bodies and minds, affect us and our relationships, and the way we behave in social situations. All this can make us feel isolated, alone, frustrated, or overall depressed.

PTSD is a psychological disorder that develops in response to a traumatic event. The body responds to trauma by releasing adrenaline, the stress hormone that triggers fight or flight mode. PTSD can be a debilitating condition. There are times when you may even feel like you will never get your life back.
Whether it is childhood trauma you want to process or a recently occurred ordeal, it can be very distressing. However, counseling and therapy can be an effective tool in managing symptoms and promoting recovery.

How does trauma therapy help?

Trauma therapy is a set of therapeutic tools that are designed to help people overcome their trauma. Not everyone who experiences even severe trauma may need trauma therapy, but it is essential for those whose trauma has resulted in mental suffering and other emotional problems.

Therapy is a transformative step toward reclaiming your life, finding inner strength, and a chance to break free from the shackles of your past. There are different types of trauma therapy. Each of them is used in different situations, based on an individual’s specific needs.

Licensed mental health professionals such as psychologists or counselors are trained and experienced in offering trauma treatment and provide trauma therapy. They encourage you to share your experiences, emotions, and thoughts related to your trauma and work towards processing them healthily and effectively.

The ultimate goal of trauma therapy is to help you heal and promote your well-being so you can move forward in life with greater resilience and strength.

For more information about our counselors or to schedule an appointment for your therapy, call our office by number:

(561) 363-7994

3 things you can expect in trauma therapy

1 – Therapy offers a safe, judgment-free space where you can express yourself

Trauma-based therapy offers a safe, judgment-free space. Many people feel fearful, anxious, or stressed regularly, at times for no reason. They end up looking over their shoulder, on the lookout for someone who has hurt them, or in anticipation of a situation where a car will crash into them.

Living your life in caution and fear, dreading that something bad or unexpected will happen, is a stressful way to live and affects your mental as well as physical health. If you seek change and want to heal from your trauma and its memories, you need to find an environment where you can let go and be yourself.

When you are in a room with a therapist, you will have a safe and judgment-free environment. You will not have to worry about anything happening to you as you can rest assured that it is just you and the therapist. You are free to cry and express frustration, sadness, or anger in sessions. You must feel that you can express yourself, let your emotions out, and process them as this is important. The therapist will not judge you. On the other hand, they will work to ensure you continue to feel comfortable with them.

2 – Therapy gives you the reassurance that you are seen and validated

Trauma therapy sessions give you a chance to be seen and validated. In everyday life, you don’t expect to be validated or seen, mainly due to the reason that people in your life, whether it is your friends, family, or coworkers, don’t understand what you have been through, and this can become difficult.

Also, there are times when people don’t believe you. They may accuse you of making this trauma up, lying, or seeking attention. For someone who has been through a traumatic experience, this can be very distressing. However, you don’t have to convince people of your truth.

What you need to do is seek out someone who will support you, and make sure you feel seen for what you have gone through and believe you. This can be your therapist, who will be there to listen to your story from start to finish. Not only this, a therapist pays special attention to what you have experienced and what you are feeling now. Whether you are feeling frustrated and angry or depressed and overwhelmed after what you have been through, they will accept your emotions for what they are.

Trauma therapists are experienced and provide you with a safe space to process your trauma. They have the skills and knowledge about trauma, trauma response, and how you may be experiencing life after trauma.

3 – You will get the best treatment plan to get back to life

Getting back to normal life, behaving as if nothing happened, and being like others becomes difficult, and you may feel uncomfortable. Working and processing through your trauma and challenging negative thoughts in therapy is not easy. It is because reliving your trauma, thinking about it again, and having to talk about can be a big challenge.

Taking steps to overcome trauma is not easy. Trauma therapists understand how difficult this process can be for you. You mustn’t rush through trauma-based therapy. Even opening up to your therapist or talking about the traumatic event may take time. Working with a therapist you trust and feel comfortable with is the best way to begin this process. Knowing you have a strong support system next to you in the room can make it a whole lot easier to go through.

Getting to work may look like talking about trauma, reliving it in your mind, and learning about coping mechanisms for moving forward. Your therapist will provide the best treatment plan for you, and you will be able to work together through this process.

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Therapy outcomes

Processing trauma can be distressing. As you begin to examine your trauma experience, identify beliefs about yourself, how you have survived, and how trauma has impacted your relationship, a challenge to keep on moving forward. Your symptoms and triggers might worsen before they get better.

However, once you have a better understanding of how things are moving, you will be able to know you are getting closer to your destination. Working with a therapist on the symptoms that matter most will bring some relief and give you a chance to do better in the future.

The top benefits of trauma therapy include:

Your therapist provides you with information about trauma therapy so you can make an informed decision about how trauma therapy will benefit you and how it can be tailored to suit your needs.

When you go for trauma therapy, you should know that you will be expected to get to work on your trauma, which can be uncomfortable in itself. Taking these steps to begin making changes and live the life you want or seek is a courageous step, and you must be proud of yourself.

Begin personalized therapy, online or in-person, in West Palm Beach, and Boca Raton, FL.

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If you have faced trauma and struggle with its aftermath, professional support can help you regain a sense of safety and control in your life. Seeking out therapy for your trauma can be intimidating, but with the right therapist, you can move forward and find greater peace and well-being. Liz Chelak offers a wide array of therapy services that best fit your mental health needs and guide you through difficult moments and feelings in a safe environment. She explains in detail what trauma therapy is all about and strives to create real changes in your life.

Page Modified on Jan 17, 2025 by Liz Chelak (Trauma Therapist)